Vampirewitch39's Journal

Vampirewitch39's Journal


Honor: 75,744    [ Give / Take ]


27 entries this month

11:29 Jun 30 2023
Times Read: 218

Woken from such a deep sleep by thunder, rain pounding on the roof. Gave up going back to sleep so started my day. About hour later in shower, music playing and just finished but for washing with buff , when power goes out. Boom. Bang. Swear even the shower vibrates.

Mind you this is before daybreak. Pitch black. Lightening flases in window. Thunder you can feel under your wet feet. Warm water running over your body. If you have never taken a shower in the dark, I highly recommend.

Now snuggled back in bed, warm, smeeling like pomegranate body scrub. As I listen to the storm outside., waiting for power to return. It does in short order. As the storm rages on...

Really a perfect start to the day. Elements at play.



11:41 Jun 30 2023

Wow that sounds like sensory bliss. I will have to try showering in the dark. My luck, I will slip and fall. LOL.

00:54 Jul 01 2023

You should try it Theodora, its something. I love showers outside, when camping in the shower tent too. That is refreshing as well.


22:11 Jun 29 2023
Times Read: 240

Somedays turn into a "Fucking Asshole" days.

Just saying.



01:53 Jun 30 2023



17:05 Jun 27 2023
Times Read: 310

Just going to say it. Might be wrong but I have seen the game you play on females here. You sell a story, making a profile catered to that person. It's like fisherman with a bait. Catfishing

Using AI artwork, poetry. Sucking up. Now that you have been called out about it, blinded, kicked out, the power tripping games you pulled with innocent girls on this site coming out of the darkness. Having ladies afraid to come out of lurking, following every move they do as the emotional tricks start.

While I have to sit back, watch the game....but be warn if this is you, I'm not innocent. Keep in your league. Your fishing pro league with me. Best to just back up, go put that bait in another pond. Sharks like me will tear you up.



17:32 Jun 27 2023

Way to go Rat!

18:49 Jun 27 2023

Get him Ratty!!!!! I will join you in the hunt!

10:48 Jun 28 2023

*Shivers as Rattie growls through clenched teeth*

19:43 Jun 28 2023

*plays the Jaws theme music*


06:46 Jun 26 2023
Times Read: 346

It started with a heavy downpour of rain. On my metal roof pleasant enough to be awaken then drift off again. Now being woken by thunder that rolls like the ocean waves lapping the beach at high tide...not so much. God and his angels are bowling as we was told as kids.

Well give it a rest will ya? Some of us want more then 4 hours sleep down here. * covers her head with a blanket as she fantasies about a man with the devil in his eyes *



15:41 Jun 26 2023

No matter what kind of day I am having or you are having you always manage to get me chuckling!

16:22 Jun 26 2023

I despise when it storms like that.... I get zero sleep from it. I hope it stopped and you were able to get more rest!

02:28 Jun 27 2023

It started off so nice but then it even scared the cat who jumped on me every time it boomed! Sleepy and sore I tell ya!


21:50 Jun 24 2023
Times Read: 373

Last load in the dryer, bed made with scented clean sheets. Dusted, vac and mop, and bathrooms cleaned. Even the dinner dishes washed.

Its muggy out and hot. So the rest of the day is watching some recorded shows I never get watched during the weekday. Anyone watching the new Walking Dead show? Wonder if worth watching as I stop watching pretty much all of the spins off as they dragged on. Even The Walking Dead kind of got old at the end.

Or maybe I will write some. Got apples on my mind, juicy tender with just a little bit of tart.




23:31 Jun 24 2023

'Love apples.

00:11 Jun 25 2023

;) I bet you do, Captain.


02:15 Jun 23 2023
Times Read: 422

Well this evening went the opposite as planned. :)

Leaving a lot undone, some messages not answered, and some friends not talked to. But also got some things said to clear the air *at least in my mind*. Finally did something I was putting off that needed to be finished. I hate writing a intro to me. Just.. it's me.

*waves at OldSoul, Vodka*

And I so wanted a chat. Maybe Friday night?

Night all.



02:18 Jun 23 2023

Good night!

02:19 Jun 23 2023

*waves back*

I'm up for a chat tomorrow night. Sleep well my friend.

02:42 Jun 23 2023

Things will get finished when they are meant to be finished. :) Sleep sweet! :) *hugs*

06:12 Jun 23 2023

*waves back jubilantly* luv U!! Chatty chat chat chat tomorrow!!


17:12 Jun 22 2023
Times Read: 441

That look of horror on your brother's face as you get items out of refrigerator, grab a wooden spoon as a mic, and start signing Meatloaf's song Dashboard Lights.

Word by word.

Such a party pooper. He wouldn't even sing with me, but got a grin.

Now on to making a Meatloaf.



18:32 Jun 22 2023

He would do anything for love..... but he won't do that.....

19:59 Jun 22 2023



20:23 Jun 21 2023
Times Read: 463

Finally found, with the help of the security cameras, how the raccoon is getting into the roof of the homestead. Swear those little shits can climb. Porch post, walks along the roof line to a junction...little dude pulled off wood flashing.

That repair and mailbox post is rotted. Got call into the maintenance man. :)

Goal for the weekend if not raining - dust off the camera. Been a while since I heard that camera shuttle release click.

My micro lens, zoom lens need flowers 💐 to play with.




07:18 Jun 19 2023
Times Read: 512

Sis fell. Nothing broken. EMTs are sooo awake at 2:17 a.m. Annoying so. Or maybe it's just me. Time to hit the database.



11:19 Jun 19 2023


I am glad nothing is broken. That's a scary scenario so late at night.

12:44 Jun 19 2023

Same, I hope everyone is okay *hugs*

13:24 Jun 19 2023


15:36 Jun 19 2023

Glad she didn't break anything! I hope she is feeling ok and that your day is better than your night was!

20:43 Jun 19 2023

Oh no, glad she's okay.

21:43 Jun 19 2023

She is sore, landed on her knee which is swollen. Iced it since this morning. She took pain meds, slept most of the day. Thanks everyone.


17:36 Jun 18 2023
Times Read: 531

Had a long phone call with my sister this morning. The friend who is in the hospital, yes still in the hospital in the wound care unit- her mother was just admitted to the hospital. Oxygen at 72, she is on oxygen 24/7. She can not breath and they are trying to find out what is wrong, heart Dr running test.

Thank goodness her son was with her, staying as much as he can since she is alone now that her daughter she lives with is not there. He has really stepped up, I have to say. He works 150 miles away, but has taken time off, and weekends he goes up and stays.

That family is going though so much. You offer to come down, to spend the day, to clean the house, to cook, just whatever you could do. I understand when we was going though the same with my own mom's long illness, then my sister long stay in the hospital. I heard, understood the offers of help from friends, family. I truly did.

But I didn't understand the helplessness you feel.



20:27 Jun 18 2023

If they accept help I will go with you and clean, cook, laundry whatever is needed, sis.

21:17 Jun 18 2023

Thanks sis. Will keep you in mind, maybe to be backup if sis/ brother needs anything while I am gone.


17:35 Jun 17 2023
Times Read: 575

In chat last night Moonie, who was cleaning out an old computer, shared a photo. And it bought back some fun times on this site, talk of the past. And poor OldSoul having a heart attack. *kidding*
Dirty Girls. It was a play of words on a little small group of female members who bared it all for charity. A beloved member name Requiem had entered into a charity event, asking for sponsorships. This was done in our House Eternal, but it got out.

The event- Obstacle Course, but done in mud.

So I came up with an ideal- since this was for breast cancer research fund raiser- that we bare all. And get dirty. That’s right- bare the beautiful boobs, and muddy them up. So a few of us took the challenge.
Moonie and I both agree it was posted in journals, a game of sorts, that you had to match the boobs with the owner of said boobs. All within the VR nipple rules.
So Moonie was showing off her photo. She took mud and wrote the words Dirty Girl across her upper chest, all the while showing off the D cups? DD cups?
Mine- as Moonie reminded me, was more dirty. Me cupping my, somewhat… ok way lot… more smaller boobies with muddy hands, covering the nipples. It was more feeling myself up, with a lot of gooey, wet, sticky mud.

Thank god she did not have all the photos, and several ladies on the site stepped up to do it. We asked for members to send in a sponsorship, and money was made. If I remember right, a few hundred dollars. Yes- the site was talking about it, which in a way got the awareness out.
A mammogram saved my mother’s life, as she fought breast cancer for years. Lost one breast in the fight, but she came out the other side cancer free. I get one each year, as I am a higher risk with it in the family.
Just a little history most don’t remember or know of the site. But ask Requiem if you ever see her on about the muddy boobs. She is a great woman, meet her once, talk to her some still today. In fact, I might just have to ask her myself if she remembers the dirty girls.



18:21 Jun 17 2023


18:30 Jun 17 2023

I remember the tatas!!!


01:10 Jun 17 2023
Times Read: 603

I have a song I remember from some years ago that I want to put on a profile. Its a punk/ techno kind of vampire song.

I swore the group name was Crucifix. But when I try to pull that group up, not it.

Damn me giving my CD's to goodwill.

Back to searching online.

Hums the tune... "They come out at night... something something.. the truth."



06:54 Jun 17 2023

I'mma need a tune if you want help finding which song this is. ;)
You can text me you singing it. :p

13:23 Jun 17 2023

You just want to hear my accent again. :)


01:08 Jun 16 2023
Times Read: 657

Ducky might be able to turn a profile white. But I can remove the menus. As in ALL of them with one change to an opacity code. Well technology to several. *laugh*

Then texting Moonie to show it, freaking out. Edit profile is gone!

Go back a page. Back a page dumbass.


*done screwing with my code tonight*



01:17 Jun 16 2023

Ahh hahaha. I have to say, I was preeeetty impressed. I didn't think anyone could beat the whole white page. -claps-

01:41 Jun 16 2023

*Rat takes her bow* If anyone can fuck up a code, its me. And the man who wrote it has company in, so knew he would be out of reach.

05:20 Jun 16 2023

Ahhhh hahahahahahahahah

I've done that, too. 😭🤣

12:34 Jun 16 2023

Yep, been there done that. LOL. I also fell like you would curtsey rather than bow. LOL.

12:35 Jun 16 2023


15:50 Jun 16 2023

Haha...I was thinking actor on stage. But now I agree with you. :) Be safe on your vacation Theo.

22:21 Jun 16 2023

You Rock Rat!


21:44 Jun 15 2023
Times Read: 688

Eating my salad, sitting on the porch, not paying attention to the journals, drama, and messages. Thinking ice cream might be needed, it's so warm out here.



21:51 Jun 15 2023

Sounds like a great idea. What flavor are you thinking?

22:16 Jun 15 2023

I think we're going to have root beer floats after dinner here!

23:43 Jun 15 2023

Rocky Road ice cream sounds good

00:56 Jun 16 2023

Strawberry. :) All above sounds good but the root beer.. yuck. Sorry CTD.

02:00 Jun 16 2023

Had waffles and ice cream sandwiches. Chocolate ice cream.

02:42 Jun 16 2023

Ohhh.. that sounds great. See? Just have some ice cream and the stress goes away as soon as attention is off it. ;) If you know what I mean.

05:48 Jun 16 2023

;) Gotcha. Why let that ruin a good day. Even I have bad days though I try to keep this mouth of mine shut it’s hard to do. Lol

15:42 Jun 16 2023

Oh I understand, trust me. But attention seeking is the game. Why a lot of us step back, see its moved on to others.


17:44 Jun 15 2023
Times Read: 718

You know when you trust someone when they send you a photo file. And you open it.

Thanks MasterOfMadness. She is a beauty.

I miss having a dog. I'm about 45% willing to take another one on. Maybe a senior dog. But then ours had so many health issues, blind and had diabetes at the end. But she was a joy.

A puppy I just don't think I have it in me to train, deal with puppy energy. Besides, she/ he might outlive me and I would hate leaving her behind.

Now you see why I'm at 45%.





20:15 Jun 14 2023
Times Read: 757

Sometimes I want to write words. Words that will be taken out of content, twisted, added to, assumptions made about. While said in a joking matter in a private chat, folks will use it, read into them what they will.

They will not understand our history, that we can say such things.

They will read between the lines and start drama.

And I am not up to that drama.

Yes, this is about this site.

Yes, this is about my past on the site.

Yes, about my time away from the site.

Yes, this is words that I feel can not be written.

Somedays I dislike that part of the site, miss the other side.

The before.

When I was a nobody. A whelp, posting, going about my day.

The time before I came in here to write, to just let the words flow.

The time before i had to pause.

To think how someone might see it in a different light.

The time before having to edit.

To finally just delete.

Because it isn't that time. That past.

Is it worth it?

Then I remember all the friendships this part of VR has given me.

But I would hope, believe those would be my friends either way.

Heck, I know I might of had even more.

Like the oldest friends I talk to daily in private chat.

Did VR title give me them?

I know of two that it never mattered.

I hope others but will not dwell.

But those two-

17 years of knowing one, before I wore any title. Tho she had her own.

Another one I remember her first quack, in House Eternal.

So no words said.

As i end this strange cryptic jounal.

But they know. Oh, they know.

❤️ 💙 💜 💖 💗 💘 ❤️ 💙 💜

Will say this- Moonie said I can be her side piece. Ducky's too.

I get around.




20:48 Jun 14 2023

You be wifey number 2!


20:59 Jun 14 2023

Ohhh wife#2. I'll take it!

21:29 Jun 14 2023

You is always gunna be my friend. And my side piece! 💜

09:58 Jun 15 2023

Luv you to bitty bitty pieces, and I get it...that feeling...like it says in my profile, a free spirit with a noose around my neck.

11:00 Jun 15 2023

I get it too. I feel like I am constantly editing as a member of society. So many things I want to say but just cannot. Unfortunately, the opinions of others are important to most of us... important to how we are perceived... not in a bad way, but in a human way. And I would be your friend no matter if you were a whelp on this site or the founder/creator. :-)

13:37 Jun 15 2023

You are way to awesome of a person to not love no matter what!

17:10 Jun 15 2023

My dearest sweet friend your words find ways to connect even when joking and that is why some took them too personally. You have the knack of seeing deep into a topic and sometimes people that just hits hard. But you do not set out to hurt or harm and that is what truly matters. Love you forever.

02:01 Jun 16 2023

Very intresting.

06:55 Jun 17 2023

WE must feed the lumpy!

13:22 Jun 17 2023



16:13 Jun 13 2023
Times Read: 788

I don't know why but nothing put fear in me as these words. "Beat egg whites till stiff." and "Fold in gently."

Baking always lightens my mood. :)



06:56 Jun 17 2023

Yannow... I'm great at beating things til they're stiff and then making them soft again, but folding gently is not my thing.
I kind of snap from one position to another.... ;)

13:25 Jun 17 2023

OH God! Sure you have cracked a few eggs.


19:06 Jun 12 2023
Times Read: 819

Maybe next year Nascar....next year. :)



01:31 Jun 13 2023

"He's making a left turn"

02:58 Jun 13 2023

oh I'm in!

10:55 Jun 13 2023

I'd go too although do not necessarily count myself as a Nascar fan.

16:17 Jun 13 2023

Oh some race fans! ;) I was talking about the LE MANS, France race.

16:37 Jun 13 2023

I was a big Nascar fan when Jr was still racing... I kinda lost interest in it after he retired... I have been to a couple in person and that is a blast!

17:06 Jun 13 2023

My sister's are fans. #3 in our history. :)


22:47 Jun 10 2023
Times Read: 862

First- let me tell you about my Aunt. My mothers sister. She lived in Orlando, FL. Rich, single, no kids. She was older then my mom. She had a love hate relationship with us kids, as in she never wanted any, but by gods you ever open you mouth to one of us, she would attack and take names. She was a typical snow bird. Meaning she came back to Ky. to stay with us when Fall arrived. She loved the change of the season and stayed till the first 'hint' of snow. Then she flew back to her small beautiful clean home to only be talked to by phone once or twice a week. Till the next Fall. Then she flew in, and turned our home into her own hotel for 4 months usually.

Vacations? We invaded her place. She lived near Disney, the beach, etc. And she had two guest rooms that we *a family of 7* would camp out in. It drove her nuts. But payback is hell as they say. We all got along, in short time frames, and loved each other at the start, and strangely at the end of our times together. The middle- Well, she never wanted kids and on this me and her was very much alike. Chaos of people, children was not within our cooping skills.

I was at a friends home, playing card game with her and her mother when we got the call. I was around 20 years old, maybe 22. Its been over 35 years, to get the time frame right. See I was at that friends home, but her hubby came home so her family lived within walking distance, I walked down to visit them. Normal country living visiting. My family knew I was at my friends home so she got the unpleasant duty of coming to tell me that my sister was calling, to come home. I knew something was wrong but was assured it wasn't my family. She offered to drive me. Looking back, I should of taken her up on that offer. But at 20, you know it all.

When I got home I learned my Aunt was dead. A friend of her's had been calling for a few days and she did not answer. So after church she came over to her house, used her key to get in. It was only hours later we found out she had been killed. Following is the 8 years plus to of hell of trails. And to this day- one of the two men who enter the home, forced their way in, is still sitting on death roll in FL. I hear about a death roll inmate being put to death, I will not lie, I smile. Evil? I learned what evil was at 20 years old. The other, who turned witness, is out, free, walking and living life. He swore he was not in the kitchen when she was killed.

She was found in her U shaped kitchen. On the floor, penned in. Her face was bashed in, had to have plastic surgery to have a open coffin, with a veil over her face. Broken bones, fingers, and cuts. She fought back, you see. They kicked her, knifed her, broke her fingers to get her rings. They trashed her house, leaving her blood on the white cabinet walls, doorways, bedspreads, closet doors, and so much more.

Why? Surely you want to know why? Let me tell you. My Aunt, while rich, came from a very small farm and had nothing most of her life. She made her living with real estate in the rich parts of Orlando. She never lived in that area, but she sold them. Her country ways, her country accent, her honest no cheating lead her into a very rich life. She didn't spend it. She lived fall below her means. At the age she was killed- her golden years of 60's, she mostly just handled her rental properties.

And that is what got her killed. Not the renters, but a brother to one. She my aunt was kind to people. She was known to understand you get behind, that you have bills. So this one rental, as so many we learned, she was kind to. And being the country girl back 35 plus years ago, she would take cash in for rent. At her home. This guy, whom testified against this brother mind you as he said "She was a good woman, would of helped him", took this killer to my Aunt's home and he watched as she took the cash rent money in, standing at her kitchen doorway.

That is when the plot started. They unscrewed the bulbs off her security lights. She, being a night owl, was in her sunroom located at the back of the home. The two hop the fence, and with no lights going off, was in the house before she knew what was happening. The sunroom was off the kitchen area. She ran. And they caught her.

It didn't take long of them to figure out who did it. Well, I say that but the service at FL, then she was flown home to have a service here in her home town, we had to deal with not knowing who had killed her. FL had two detectives at the funeral. Family members was shocked at how she looked, only so much they can do to rebuild farcical bones. I felt sorry for my cousins, but my mother told us she looked nothing like she had the last time she flew in, in her Cadillac, to visit till snow was coming. No, my mother and sister held nothing back during this whole thing.

A reward of offered, interviews done with family, newspapers and TV. The home was cleaned up enough that the family could go in, pack out her belongings as it was put up for sale. All the time the police was looking, and getting calls. Pawn shops with videos of who was selling her jewelry. The brother who came forward saying his brother had cuts on his hands, burned his clothes on that night. Even the girlfriend who was wearing our Aunts rings as she sat in the police station, asking if she got the reward money. And the State Trooper who paid attention to the call out, out of state, who noticed it at a gas station. Arrested the two men, one still wearing the shoes that left bloody footprints on the tile flooring, and used to stomp her face in once she was down. Like I said- I fucking cheer when I hear a lifer gets his sentence carried out.

The trail- my mother and my sister, *the one who dies less then two years ago* went to every trail day. They sat and listen to the reports, they saw the photos of her body. They hears how she was killed. And how long they expected the attack to of lasted. They dealt with the press, the calls of friends, of people who knew her. They drove by her house, seeing the roses she loved dying without the loving care of her hands.

This is how I know, when you talk of lost, of a pain unlike anything else. I have had that pain- of a lost one taken from you at least 4 times. My Aunt, who had so many years ahead as she was healthy and happy. My dad who died suddenly. My mother, who passed after years of failing health. That is its own kind of hell, and would not wish that on anyone. Then my sister who fought so hard, but subsume to her death after 28 days of suffering. So when you talk to me about loss. I understand.

But I want you to understand this as well, my friend. I understand rage. I understand the need to get vengeance. I understand the desire to see someone dead. To know, deep in your heart, that they need to stop being alive. Eye for a eye? Sure church going folks will say to forgive, to find it in your heart.. screw that. I will dance in glee when that fucker is put to death. Just as I check the one who is walking free, to see how his life is going. More jail time- shocking.

The world will be better place when they both die. I just hope I outlive them, seeing as the death row lags so much with the ones fighting it so hard. He freely admits to killing her, but blamed the case of "gonorrhea" that was left untreated. Yes, he tried for the 'crazy' defense.

When that fucker is put in a grave- I will cry only tears of joy. I understand pain. And I understand rage. That darkness is not a stranger to me. That ended when I was 20 years old, and its an old friend. As much as some days when I see a Micky Mouse, or I see even the news about FL. I think--- will one of my regrets as I lay on my own death bed be that I did not pay to have them killed? Would that be my last wish?

I know the answer to that. And as it is written- I am sure you do as well.



00:56 Jun 11 2023

I shall dance with you my friend

14:41 Jun 11 2023

I agree, I will be with you doing a jig of happiness. This story is so awful and I am so sorry that you have had to deal with such a terrible, horrible crime against your Aunt. *Shakes my head and wonders what makes people so innately evil*

03:07 Jun 13 2023

I may be Christian, but I too know what they did and I will dance with you! I can pray he seeks God's forgiveness for he deserves none here on Earth!
I love you my dear friend. hugs


16:29 Jun 10 2023
Times Read: 880

Just going to mark the day. Sure it will go up and down like it always has. But today... today I am a Royal Sire. Thanks FalsexCure for pointing that out to me. ;)

Welcome Vampirewitch39

Your Status:
Royal Sire

Your Level:



17:25 Jun 10 2023

WOW Congratulations!

00:55 Jun 11 2023

Woot woot!!

14:42 Jun 11 2023

That is so awesome! You deserve it; you work/worked your ass off.


23:13 Jun 09 2023
Times Read: 922

Moonie did Nightgame's Alliance crest and its Rep.

Have to show it off. Ain't it pretty?


Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.



02:14 Jun 10 2023

Very nice. Great job Moonie!

14:48 Jun 10 2023

I love this one too. Great job Moons.

03:08 Jun 13 2023

I cannot believe I forgot to clear the cache again and just got to see it a few minutes ago. I'm so in love! She is truly an artist!


16:17 Jun 09 2023
Times Read: 964

How do I know the other Admins are awake?

Notification dings on my phone.

Haha....I'm the morning crew for sure in this crowd. ;)

And why I mute my phone before bed.



16:41 Jun 09 2023

Ahhh hahaha
Listen here lady...
We love you. :p

We don't ding the chatter when you're in bed.
Just in the morning cause you're up before us. ;) Haha

17:05 Jun 09 2023

Lol Exactly!

18:07 Jun 09 2023

You are absolutely the morning shift! You are dinging my phone with texts before I am even rolling over (note: I love the morning VW texts!) ONE of us has to be responsible and go to bed at a decent time and then be able to get up and function the next morning instead of afternoon (clearly it's afternoon for me.)

18:37 Jun 09 2023

Well you all remember that when I head to bed before the cows even. LOL. ;)

With friends like you...who needs anyone else? ❤️ 💙 💜

20:27 Jun 09 2023

No judgment from me if you go to bed before the cows! If hubs is ever on day shift (which is rare) we are in bed by 8 or earlier!

14:49 Jun 10 2023

VW I am with you. In bed before the cows and up before the chickens! In this case, it is up before the greyhound. LOL.

15:30 Jun 10 2023

Wait - you have a greyhound? Damn, I missed the 2 truths and a lie.


01:13 Jun 08 2023
Times Read: 1,011

Well that shit didn't go as expected. But I did learn a few things. Mostly that folks that do coding for fun... people... your brains are just freaky. I mean... god damn. Maybe after you learn it but good lord. And you do it for fun? Oh hell no.


Now- I hate the images, but at least I know how to change them. Thank god Moonie told me how to change images to gif on my computer. Never opened up that system in all these years. Just goes to show you a old Rat can learn, darn it.

Now to just redo it all. And how to make a banner, logo image.

Baby steps folks. B A B Y S T E P S



02:03 Jun 08 2023

Ohhh what are you coding this time? :D

21:11 Jun 08 2023

I feel attacked lol

21:39 Jun 08 2023

:P Please- you enjoy being freaky. But at least I didn't destroy your code. :)

22:00 Jun 08 2023

lol I'm crying over here!

14:50 Jun 10 2023

Hey, don't pick on my brain. LOL

15:31 Jun 10 2023



18:44 Jun 06 2023
Times Read: 1,059

Been looking at the Covens. Most are not active, even with members I have seen online.

Are you just uninterested in posting? No one to post with?

Intrested in a trade into an active House?

Just wondering.



18:48 Jun 06 2023

I've wondered the same thing.... perhaps trapped in an inactive coven due to the master being inactive? That has happened to me before.

13:40 Jun 07 2023

I only have a handful of members that are active. I try to post to keep things going. I basically use mine for a storehouse for my profiles. LOL. However, if anyone wants to come to Letchworth, we would love to have you. Sorry for the shameless plug in your journal. :-)

15:54 Jun 07 2023

Oh plug away!


01:21 Jun 06 2023
Times Read: 1,122

The House of Umbrae Octo is done! :D New design by the talented MooniePie. She took Nightgame *aka Cat* ideal and made it come to life. Then Ducky was roped into helping with the main page write up. Yes, you can imagine me roping a duck- telling her to edit, check my work. Of course, she sent it back even better than it was.

Nightgame house is back and open. And look at this crest- its it a beauty? Stop by, give it a lookie loo.

The House of Umbrae Octo

Nightgame wants to bring back the vampire.



01:31 Jun 06 2023

I'm in love with my House!

01:33 Jun 06 2023

That looks wonderful!

01:34 Jun 06 2023

It looks so good!

I really need to get on it and put in the work for NR. I've been saying that since January, but I really need to buckle down and bring it up to par with all the awesome work all you ladies have put into your Houses.

02:02 Jun 06 2023

I had some great men help me with mine too. vXVampre and FalsexCure also made mine great.

16:39 Jun 06 2023

Revamping the Houses is the first step to getting this site active again. ;)

17:30 Jun 06 2023

Very true!


17:53 Jun 03 2023
Times Read: 1,158

Is it bad to fall asleep in the middle of the latest Scream movie? It didn't even effect my dreams last night. No, those was full of other things. :)

And those things might be added to the roleplaying game today. Maybe a little time travel as the group is hired to steal a old sword from the 800 AD.

With this group, who knows. The only thing I can expect is curveballs from the players.

But Strawberry wine in ref, fire pit set in case I have a fire later tonight or in the morning. Full moon.



19:41 Jun 03 2023

Ohhhh Strawberry wine! We are thinking of getting our fire pit out later to make smores. Have fun with your group!!!!


16:18 Jun 02 2023
Times Read: 1,189

Real vampires love Vampire Rave.

Hearing this International climb this hill made me remember my pass. Nothing like the sound of a truck pulling.



04:37 Jun 03 2023


I would have driven it off the cliff. haha I hate being that high.

19:52 Jun 03 2023

:) In Ky. that isn't a high at all. This kid had a loud mustang car, you could hear it for miles when he fired it up, leaving. Ugly loud thing. But you start a truck, the sound of that diesel motor humming, gears shifting... that is a sexy sound to me, turns my head every time.

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